First off, let me thank you for visiting Florida Fly Fishing Magazine (F3M), which we like to think represents all aspects of fly fishing in Florida.

F3M covers both fresh and salt waters in the state. While we ourselves enjoy fishing out of the state we know there are plenty of other publications that spread that wide net.

Now, this is a revival of the old F3M that was published through 2012. And that version was supported by writers and contributing editors like Joe Mahler, who created the former banner you may be familiar with, Ken Morrow with his insightful contributions, Dr. Aaron Adams, currently the Director of Science and Conservation for the Bonefish and Tarpon trust, Stuart Patterson, the gifted fly tyer who provided the content for our Fly Tying Library, and many others whose names I have sadly forgotten, though each in their own way helped make the original F3M worthwhile.

I want to encourage everyone to participate with your photos, stories, trip logs and videos. Please visit the Submission Guidelines before you do.

I hope you find F3M worth your time.

Tight loops!